How 2 make embeddable screen shots and even movies

This one involves some software that you have to install on your computer - but it's free, and free is a good price.

It's also AWESOME and so handy I can't believe I survived before discovering it.

I use this to create virtually all of the screen-shots that I post on this blog - mostly because of the awesome ability to instantly generate imbed code. The image itself is posted on Jing's website, and the embed code is saved to my clipboard.

You can download files too, but so far I've only used the embed code generator - there's a tiny bit of work involved in creating a button to generate embed code, but the help information walks you right through it.

You can also draw a screen-shot box and record a video clip of what you're doing on the screen. If you have a microphone on your computer, it will record your voice as you describe what you're doing. Again, you can tell it to generate imbed code and you get something like this:

There's a video on the jing site that goes into more detail - but I can promise you, once you start playing with this, you will use it for EVERYTHING!!!

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