How 2 Save a YouTube Video as a file

A student actually turned me on to this web conversion tool.

This site is very easy to use. All you need is the address of the youtube (or other) site.

1. Click on the icon that says "enter a link".
2. enter the web address in the field that appears and click OK
3. You will return to the original screen, but now there is a green arrow that says "go to the next step" - click that arrow (it's easy to overlook this)
4. Choose the file format you want - you'll notice there is quite a selection :) .wmv will work for most PC applications, .avi is used by QuickTime, and mpeg will work for most everyone.
5. Click OK and then wait for your conversion to happen

MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE DOWNLOAD LINK before you navigate away from this last screen - and be aware of the daily limit to 5 downloads with the free version of this website. For a subscription fee, you can have unlimited downloads and unlimited file sized, but the free version has sufficed for me so far.

You'll also notice the ability to strip audio from posted videos, and the ability to change almost any audio or video format into almost any other.

It's a sweet site.

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